Gaynor, , Age-Gap Dating, agony aunt, Ask Gaynor, being a cougar, being single, body confidence, #olderwomansinglelife, affairs, age gap relationships, being single, cougar, dating, dating advice, internet dating, toyboys,, 0

I feel I must apologise for my lack of input on here lately. My only excuse is that writing...
So after four weeks his reply pings onto my phone at a most inopportune moment. I was surrounded...
Following on from my six date challenge, I was forced to reflect on my lifestyle. All very well shouting from...
I suddenly realised last week that it had been ten years! Ten whole years, this month that I...
Although it happens to me all the time I am still always surprised when one of my current toyboy’s...
I have been chirping on for years about my reasons for dating the younger man! It is the question...
After my recent appearance on This Morning answering questions on how to find love in later life I was...
I should have added that she will probably keep you in the bedroom so much! you wont have time...