I was surprised to read the article in the Mail yesterday regarding fellow blogger “Plankton” who was finding being single again in her forties painful and lonely experience. It would seem that a lot of woman in a similar age bracket and situation agreed with her lament.  Well Ladies, I can assure you that all is not lost…I wrote the article below for a womans magazine blog back in 2009 having been dumped by my husband for a younger woman….it speaks for itself..

“When my second marriage started to deteriorate a few years ago . I thought “here we go again” and was horrified to think that approaching my fifties at a rate of knots id be dating again after twenty years. Full of insecurities I started going out more to pubs,wine bars and clubs. The fact that the average age in these places was nearer 25 than 45 didn’t escape me. But armed with a large glass of wine and plenty of slap I launched myself back out there. My husband was ten years younger than me so I wasnt new to the term toyboy but my how things had changed. I was constantly being chatted up by young men with great smiles and fit bodies. I deliberated on whether I should take them up on their kind offers but having been celibate for more than two years and revved up on HRT, I saw it as a bit of much-needed fun! So, with the help of a bikini wax, Botox, a spray tan, a few gym workouts and a visit to La Senza I took the plunge. I can honestly say its been a blast. When I ask them “Why older” they tell me that girls their own age tend to be too high maintenance requiring big bank accounts and prestigious gifts. Obviously nice shoulders and a cheeky grin are no longer enough! I’m still puzzled by the Mrs Robinson effect, but loving It !!”

Watch this space…


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