Every December I try and plan and get organised and every year I end up chasing my tail. As the Christmas Machine rolls into action and the demands on my time become more and more my dating life takes a back seat. Family first as always.

Just as I am getting through my to do list, my to buy list and my to bake list I suddenly find myself in the middle of a media frenzy.

Just when I could do without it a small video piece that I did for a Media Company nearly two years ago, gets re-jigged and posted on a page called LadsBible. The first thing I know about it is when the friend requests start pouring in from guys ten at a time.

Having seen this happen to me more than once,  I knew that something was out there with me in it. So I ask my Facebook friends if there is anything  I should know and five minutes later the mystery is solved. It would have been nice to have been given the heads up but once you sign on the dotted media line its beyond your control.

Not making any money from it is bad enough but to let it loose without giving me a small hint that they were doing it is just damn right annoying. LadsBible it would seem is a very popular medium. The views start running into thousands and then millions and people are commenting in droves ( most of it derogatory I’m sure ) not that I read them of course I learnt a long time ago that if you want to stay sane its best to avoid looking.


I have to alert the other people in the video and apologise in advance to my son who will get all sorts of stick from his friends..sigh. As my friend requests continue to roll in I manage to find the contract I signed. Having checked the small print I realise I just have to resign myself to the fact that I can do bugger all about! Beam me up!On the plus side some of the guys requesting my ‘friendship’ look quite interesting so guess what I will be doing in the Christmas holidays ;). If you missed it ? good for you! But I am guessing that may well be amongst the other 4.5 Million people and counting who didnt!



I hope whether you are married or single..in love or in lust that you all have a very Merry and Peaceful Christmas and that 2018 is the year that all your dreams come true!

  • Until next time  love Gaynor xx

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