So here we are again Valentines Day looms large on the calendar and as usual I have no date. Talking to my single girlfriends I know that I am not alone and quite a few of us will be feeling the void to some degree or another.

As I date the younger man as a matter of course Valentines is a bit of a no go area. They worry I think that spending such a special night with me or the older woman in general would give off the wrong signal and turn whatever sort of liaison you were enjoying into something more significant. Having made the decision that for now I do not want a serious relationship I just have to suffer the indignity of a dateless Valentines in the best way I can.

When I was married in the early days we always made a fuss on February 14th. My Ex was fairly romantic and used to send me roses and take me for dinner and we usually had a steamy bedroom session to round off the evening. When my daughters lived at home and were both in relationships my house used to look like a florist shop. I love flowers and love to receive them and it has been a while. But I will not be gazing expectantly at my office door in hope or getting excited as I watch red bouquets floating up and down the street. My arms with remain empty I’m afraid I just have to be realistic..

The florists opposite will be madly busy and the man who delivers will be back and forth getting in and out of his van. Mind you It would be awful if he should have to deliver any to me. I still don’t know if he has recognised me. One Saturday morning after the night before I was staying in Kate’s flat. I was so hung over when I woke up I was confused as to where I was and in a daze. We had been out celebrating Kate’s new job and had partied till late. When the intercom went I presumed it was my other daughter arriving as expected so being the nearest to the front door I shuffled to the entry phone but didn’t bother to speak I just pressed the button and then waited a few minutes before throwing the door wide open to let her and Matilda in.

It took me a few seconds to realise that standing before me was the man from the florist shop opposite my office clutching a bouquet. It took him a few seconds to realise that the woman standing before him was only wearing a pair of skimpy black panties and was completely topless.!!! embarrassment followed whilst I tried to hide exposed breasts behind the door and sign for the flowers which I was now holding in front of me to protect my modesty. I see that man often and still wonder where he has put my big two and two together!

I have yet to surpass my first Valentines day as a newly single woman. I entertained a gorgeous and very fit toyboy I had been seeing in the afternoon. After texting each other all morning he sent me a text saying “get your clothes off im coming round” and when I opened the door he just managed a breathless “Happy Valentines Day” before he picked me up and carried me upstairs. After he had gone I had two hours to get ready for my second “Date” of the day. I was cooking for a someone I had never met and who was travelling some distance to see me and was bringing the champers. It was a pleasant enough evening but I’m afraid someone else had stolen his thunder….

I wish all the lovers out there a romantic evening and hope that where true love does blossom it stays the course. One year soon maybe I will be back believing that there is someone for everyone and I have yet to meet Mr Right! By then I will also believe in life after death and that fairies live at the bottom of my garden. In the meantime a few of us single but proud ladies will be going for a few glasses of champagne and will be glad when February 15th has arrived. Happy Valentines!


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