sun 4

I was recently asked by Julia Hartley-Brewer on an interview for Talk Radio how I was brave enough to get naked with a much-younger man on a regular basis ?. it’s a question I have been asked many times and seems to be the primary reason why some single older women feel that they have to stick with men their own age who will have similar flaws,bumps,wrinkles and insecurities.

I like many women by age have the body I deserve. It reflects my lifestyle, age and the fact that it has produced four children. I am always trying to lose weight! I have attempted every conceivable diet in the history of the world,  without much success. I lose half a stone usually in the summer months and put it straight back on when winter arrives. I do  go to the gym as often as I can muster the enthusiasm which is a struggle a lot of the time there always seem to be something else to do. But keeping toned and flexible is fabulous for making you feel empowered. It means I can strut my stuff along with the best of them.

But I am not waif like. I have spent all my life fluctuating between a size 14/16  on a good day and 18 on a bad one. I am blessed with big boobs and long legs and work these to my advantage. But when it comes to getting naked it’s all a question of a confident approach. In order to exude a sexy and sensual air,  it is usually a good idea to preen yourself before the moment  of truth arrives and you peel off your clothes. ” What does that entail exactly” ? I hear you ask. Nothing extraordinary but the following things can help in your quest to be at your very best.

1) Exfoliate the skin!. Use a good body scrub, the salt based ones are usually best for the body and to give yourself extra welly use an exfoliating sponge. This is something that should be done on a weekly basis.  ( older skin tends to hang on to its dead skins cells making it look dull.)  Pay special attention to the knees and elbows the worst offenders.

2)Moisturise! moisturise! moisturise!  I get through bottles of body lotion on a monthly basis. Just make it part of your daily routine. Best to use lotion and save body butter for pampering nights as it tends to get stuck to your clothes and makes you slippery and you don’t want that when your in a passionate embrace 🙂

3) Self-Tanner .Nothing like a golden glow to not only make you feel better but I always think that the colour seems to make any fat bit bits look thinner! Do this directly after exfoliation and body lotion and put only a tiny amount on the knees or better still mix with some moisturiser first.. Don’t forget to wash your hands straight away. I like San Moritiz self tanning mousse. It’s not expensive and the smell doesn’t get you until the end. This of course needs to be done the day before and washed off. You don’t want to get orange stains on your lover’s pristine white Calvin Kleins!

4) Waxing/ tidy up your bits.Whether you wax or shave cream or trim always make sure your ‘garden of pleasure’  is as pretty as a picture. Whilst on this area ,please do remember that Vagina’s come in many guises and are not all shaped the same. It will matter not a jot to the man poised to dive between your thighs. If you don’t believe me ask one ?  Good hygiene is of course a must. Oh and don’t forget to shave/wax your legs!

5) Get your nails done!  both hands and feet. You don’t want to be distracted by looking at unruly toe nails when you have your feet above your head!. You can buy some great products if you do your own.  I personally love getting them done at a salon and if you have Gels they last for ages but of course only if you can afford it!

6) Underwear: when dressing for undressing it is important to remember that what you have on underneath is as important as that little black dress on top even if it is an 18 . Matching bra and knickers are a must and the prettier the better. If your white set is grey throw them out! Matalan do great Underwear sets and they are very reasonable. Get bras and knickers that fit. A properly placed pair of knickers depending on your shape can hide a multitude of sins. Try all the different types and then stick to those that suit. Better still buy yourself some of those brilliant body control underwear garments. The all in ones that offer structure and control and come in pretty lacy and floral designs. Not only do they improve the look on the outside they make you feel secure and sexy beneath. Once the dress is off be bold leave the underwear on or take just some off and leave some on.The feel of skin and satin together can be very sensuous. Have a browse in the Ann Summers shop. They offer an array of enhancing bedroom lingerie. ( not to mention enough sex toys to make your eyes water) I always find the assistants very helpful.For added edge keep the high heels on. But wield them carefully. They can become a dangerous weapon when placed on a pair of flailing legs! See below for two of my favourite underwear pieces.One from Matalan and one from Very . Both these have seen a lot of action in the field 🙂

Matalan BodyMylene Klass undies

7) Set the scene. Dim the lights and use some scented candles . Put some nice background music on to cover up the inevitable sounds of sex once you get down to it. Those squelching and sucking sounds can be off-putting if you are a little nervous.Have condoms placed where you don’t have to fumble for them.  Yes! I know he should bring his own but do they ? Most men hate them with a passion second only to getting their leg over 🙂 So be prepared.

8) Finally own it! Get in character ” you are a sexy confident woman with a body to die for”  If you believe it so will he whether he is 25 or 55. Now repeat after me “I am a sexy confident woman…..

Finally when things go wrong and they will,  laugh it off.   Be prepared for squeaking beds, fancy farts and flaccid dicks!  there is always the next time. Treat each occasion as an adventure and the opportunity to practice your very own art of seduction.Like everything, practice makes perfect and my god!  you can have some fun earning your body confident badge. Remember that the guy in front of you isn’t seeing what you see,he’s too busy thinking WOW!


























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