It has never happened to me before and I hope it never happens again.  It was awful! terrible! I was distraught,upset,mortified and heartbroken.. What was this awful gut wrenching event..yes you guessed it I lost my mobile phone. I use the word lost very loosely. I have no idea where it went on Saturday evening in the dark jam-packed club.I was too busy dancing like no-one was watching, drinking like I’d been in a desert for days and kissing a rather nice blonde-haired guy whose name escapes me.  Come to think of it I don’t think we exchanged names but his lips and mine were definitely talking..

I keep my phone close at all times.  It’s usually within grabbing distance and at night it sits next to me on the dressing table and acts as my alarm clock and torch. Quite often it sleeps in the bed with me when I doze off mid-text or while I’m talking to someone (usually a toyboy) into the early hours. I check my emails and answer them, check Facebook updates and tweet often.  When I go running or to the gym I listen to music through it.  I take impromptu pictures of the sunrise, a drunken friend,my children, my grandchildren.  I video conversations, our Christmas kitchen dance and bands. I check out my blog and upload the good videos to my you tube account. It also doubled as a business phone and my office number is diverted to it everyday.

When I go out on a wild night I always travel light. One small bag that I can sling over my body or hold by a small handle so as not to interfere with my dancing.  Inside always the same items, lip gloss, eyeliner,cover-up,eyelash glue,cash,condoms (if you have read my book you will know I’m a girl scout) and my phone of course.  If it’s a very small bag then my phone gets tucked in my bra which is usually the safest place.

I did all of V Festival with my phone safely close to my heart and its an appropriate place for it. When I think of all the pictures and videos that were saved on there,  I could cry.  Of course a lot of the best bits are loaded on to Facebook or my laptop but not all. All my V Festival filming..Ed Sheeran singing Lego House, Friendly Fires Ed McFarlane’s mad dancing and Snow Patrol singing Run. All on there and not yet transferred.

But my anguish is heightened when I think of all those sentimental texts that I had saved. Texts that remind me of a special person, a moment in time never to be repeated. Some people just touch your life so keeping your precious memories tucked in your bra close to your heart seems the safest place.

So how my phone got lost or stolen is a mystery to me.  Yes I was drunk, yes I was sending texts some of the night (You know the ones, those that you are going to regret in the morning) but I’m always so careful drunk or not! I have never before lost a phone..broken them yes, waterlogged them yes but lost never!!. I can only presume someone took it but I have no idea how. Either way we phoned it twice and it rang and then predictably it went off.  I searched of course and checked behind the bar and with the DJ but no luck.

I was phone-less for three days and it was like I was in purgatory., My new one arrived and it’s a better version.  But with no Sim or memory card its like I didn’t have a life before. I hate it but what can you do.  Back up more often I hear you say…don’t get drunk..leave it at home…no chance!!  Very soon this one will be as precious as the last but not yet.  Right now its just a blank space. My life is all on the other one and in the hands of someone else hope they think it was worth it!! B*****ds!!!

Read my Book available on Amazon

What really happens between the Older Woman and the Younger Man….


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