Well Father its been a few weeks since my last confession…I mean blog. So apologies but life has been a bit of an uphill climb and in order to write something..well anything really, you need some sort of inspiration and I have been all out on inspiring ideas and witty commentary.

Is it just me or is the longest winter on record. Everyone you speak to, old or young had been moaning about the cold spell and I have to say the return of minus temperatures and the snow has been a bitter disappointment to most of the population who were looking forward to spring sunshine and the opportunity to get out and about.

Instead of digging the garden, we are digging  out our scarves and hats, staying huddled under a blanket to try to keep the bills down and wondering when the sun will rise. With nothing booked in the diary and no inclination to step outside I have watched endless TV, catching up on all the episodes of the fabulous ‘Game of Thrones’ in time for the new series starting soon and Harry Potter at every opportunity.

But boredom soon sets in.  I  like excitement, I like experiencing new things, I like being out and about creating mayhem.  Things are  just too damn quiet and the Woman in me is demanding some action,

My mum was now back at home but the weeks of worry and hospital visits had taken its toll and I was feeling drained and tired and very lack lustre. The winter had bought me a long virus a tummy bug  and now I was experiencing tooth problems.  It seemed like one thing after another.  The diet so keenly started and that was beginning to work (7 lbs lost) was abandoned in favour of too much stress.My visits to the gym dwindled and I was feeling crap.

During all of this my beloved new windows phone crashed. I had just got it working to my requirements.  I had all some brilliant apps, I was utilising it to the fullest extent using the GPS for journeys etc.  It had proved invaluable a few weeks ago when I work up in strange flat in London after a  third date and had to make an early exit. My host was sleeping soundly so I left him a note and quietly slipped out of the front door. Having been driven from the station I had no idea how to find my way back on foot.  My trusty phone located my address and directed me to the nearest tube station.  It was brilliant!. I also used it for helping me sleep.  I often went to bed listening to the rush of the ocean or the twinkle of rain. If that failed I used it to watch TV on, all cosy under the covers.  I had all my workout music on it too and was frankly very pissed off!.

Why it crashed is a mystery but the provider had me  jumping through hoops trying everything until having to go back to factory settings, the final straw failed miserably.  All my stuff that I could save I did by uploading it to the pc but of course I lost precious messages and numbers.  When I heard it had to be sent off for up to two weeks I could have cried.  I was back to using the work phone and my own number was in nowhere land. The first weekend without it, unable to log on to Facebook or Tweet at will and with being out of contact with the world was horrible.

So just when my stress was lowering technology had to let me down.  Then a lovely visit to the dentist for a tooth extraction ,  my first ever had to be endured.  It was a bastard to get out despite it’s infirmity and I can still hear the crunching in my head as the dentist had to break it into three to get it out. A week of antibiotics and pain killers followed.  Finally the Easter weekend arrived and taking an extra day I was looking forward to a girls afternoon/night out in London Town.

Ignoring the freezing weather we headed for Convent Garden and and spent a lively afternoon drinking Champagne cocktails and then on to Amber Bar for some dancing and a bit of romancing.  By this morning I was feeling more in tune with the Universe.

I still have no proper phone but with the prospect of a long weekend to get rested and revived I am hoping that when the clocks go forward tomorrow night the weather will remember its place and bring us some sunshine. Life can be tough (I’m not taking about the phone here,  that’s just a bloody inconvenience) and who knows when  the next problem will arise. All I  know is that you have to feed your soul as well as your face. Sometimes you have to remind yourself why your alive.  More joy please Mr Universe I am waiting here with open arms.  Happy Easter one and All.

My book ‘Sex and The Signposts’ available on Amazon

me and trudecovent gardencheers


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