I was incensed when logging onto my favorite website Toyboywarehouse.com to read the nasty article written by Jan Moir regarding Ashton Kutcher  cheating on Demi Moore.  Lets face it men cheat..woman cheat..does age play a part ? I very much doubt it. But jan’s hand clapping that poor old Demi has wasted her time and energy looking delectable because Ashton has cheated anyway is not only malicious but also just not relevant.  The gorgeous Mr Kutcher must be beset on all sides by gorgeous young! middle-aged and  ancient females throwing themselves in front of him.  It’s easy to be pious and say that infidelity is a the most terrible crime when temptation is never there in front of you.  The Kutchers have been together for 8 years..not bad considering their age gap and celebrity status.Maybe their relationship has just run its course..thats just what happens.  It could be that  Ashton is thinking he might like to become a father or something but my guess is that he hasn’t really considered anything much at all.He has just given into temptation ,,pure and simple.  Does that mean we should offer Demi up as the sacrificial mutton? No it does not..She is first and foremost a glorious creature ..sexy,worldly and gorgeous. I wouldn’t mind being a llb behind her.  You should never ever underestimate the older woman in these situations they have more guile and expertise than any blond bimbo of 23.  Of course she will be humiliated! But would that be any different if the woman concerned was older? I doubt it . To find out that your husband who is in the public eye has done this is horrible to deal with.  Do we think that Cheryl Cole was less traumatized because Ashley cheated with a similar aged female. Of course not it hurts just the Bloody same. I get that the older female in the piece will be ridiculed . People are far to quick to judge.  I talk from experience. My first husband of the same age cheated on me throughout our marriage (not that I knew that at the time) and  used his high sex drive as the excuse..I was busy with our brood and just too damn tried to swing from the chandeliers at the time.  When he was discovered he cried and begged to be forgiven and told my dad that none of the “Affairs” meant a thing to him and it was me he loved!. This was probably true but there was other factors that caused me to call time on the marriage. I then started a long affair with a man 10 years my junior and we eventually married and were together for over 20 years.  When the marriage broke down and I found out he was having an affair with a woman of his age. Was my older status the reason he did it  ? Was it hell! She just happened to be available and lived next door…. So on my own again and single ..older woman and all that ..the rest is history. I have had a number of relationships with the much younger man and its been a blast.  Why do I do it  ? Because I can and the opportunity is there.  Do I want a dad from the divorced and down trodden brigade, No thanks …it’s not compulsory is it ? In any event they are looking out for the Blond Bimbo aged 23 so its even stevens isn’t it ? Demi will just have to deal with this with dignity and if she want to give him another chance then she should and they should be left alone to get on with it.But listen up Ashton  it wont be long before a string of gorgeous Toyboys will be beating a path to your wife’s  door and they will probably be younger than you .. so watch out!.


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