This week has been awful.  So stressful and sad.  I haven’t known which way to turn.

Firstly I had a virus for over week which left me feeling tired and ill and deciding I had a Chest Infection I took myself off to the doctors and got antibiotics.  Working through it (the business is still struggling so can’t be absent) I soldiered on and then a friend of mine popped into the office to tell me a sad story that someone I used to be at school with was terminally ill with cancer.  I had known her well at and at one time we were close but I hadn’t seen her for many years.  That’s it I thought, the first from my childhood and it will just be the beginning.

I was then updated on another friend’s son who is also battling cancer.  A lovely handsome and bright boy with a young family. He is fighting hard and has been through so much he deserves to win this.  Why does life have to be so unfair ? Could someone tell me please!!!.

My darling daughter was given some information about her Ex (The father of our gorgeous Matilda) . She was white with rage and emotions.  I would still like just two minutes alone with that man and two large bricks!! I might suggest him as an excellent candidate for Jeremy Kyle Show.

Then another friend  turned up and needed a lot of support and is struggling with a form of mental illness bought on by stress.  Various phone calls later as I tried to help, there doesn’t seem to be any easy solution, as if often the case with mental health. Having been through this before with someone else I know that resources are limited and the answers are not straightforward. This friend is in a perilous state of mind and urgent help is required but she is too intelligent for her own good and is out foxing the system.  How it will end god only knows but after three visits my anxiety levels  were pushed through the roof!.

I was feeling very ragged and depressed with it all but trying hard to rally myself and having got paid (That £2.50 in my bank account was getting very lonely) I decided to go into Enfield Town and start a bit of  frugal Christmas shopping. I had also been paid for the magazine article so that cheque needed to be paid in too.  As my bank closes at lunch time I was in a hurry.  Knowing how busy Enfield gets on a Saturday  parking can be a nightmare. I hate multi-story parking so decided to try a little out of the main town near my doctor’s surgery. I always park here, there is often a space as it’s not cheap £3.00 for two hours.

I was pleased to find an array of spaces  in the slip road and pulled in behind a red car.  Getting out I went for my ticket but the bloody machine didn’t like my one pound coins.  I walked up to the next machine and coming back I get in the car and collect my things, hoping my bank was still open as it was just after 12 o’clock.


Suddenly another car pulls in and I see the woman driving is gesturing to me wildly about moving back. Looking behind me I see there are two large un- marked spaces and I’m not sure what she wants me to do. Then I notice that the red car is leaving. So I get out and the other woman says about moving to make room for other potential parkers.  So she pulls in where the red car was parked and I start my engine and pull towards her but she is waving for me to go back.  I cant see why I need to do that and frankly she is now getting on my nerves.  So I indicate that I’m staying put, there is plenty of space behind me for either one big car or two small ones.

So as I get out she strolls up to me and say s ” now if you had pulled to the end then it would had left more room..your very selfish”.  She was in her forties at a guess and looked like she was sucking on a lemon.  She obviously had nothing else to worry about other than leaving carefully constructed parking spaces for imaginary drivers who may or may not turn up.  It was lost on  “Miss Tight lips” that how much space  was available really depended on how big the cars were that arrived … or not.  I mean hadn’t it occurred to the bloody woman who was blatantly menopausal (the pursed hairy upper lip was a dead give-away) that the reason there was so many spaces available was because it was so  expensive, most people without my phobias park in the much cheaper multi-story. So, did I explain all this to her in a calm and friendly manner and throw in that as we are very close to the doctors and she may want to make an emergency appointment to get a prescription for HRT. ?.

Did I hell!. Feeling a red mist rising behind my eyes . I screamed at her to “Fuck Off”  “Do One” and “Get a Life” waving my arms like a broken windmill, just to get my point across. Frankly I wanted to kill the stupid condescending Pratt!  She marched quickly passed me in her very sensible shoes muttering something about” Sorry we all share the planet with you”.  Dear god the woman just didn’t know when to shut it!.  Oh to be in a such a place where my only concern was the space on a road!

Repeating my mantra but with more feeling of “Fuck Off” and “Do one”  I managed to walk away having entertained the people at the nearby bus stop.  I expect she was going to do some shopping in “Holland and Barrett” and then  go for a caffeine free coffee, before buying some wool to knit more scarves for Oxfam.

Me! I went to La Senza, bought a tasteless red sequined top in DP’s and two bright shiny red lipsticks to improve my pout.  Maybe if I see her when I return I might give her one as peace offering..but on second thoughts she wouldn’t have anywhere to put it would she ? ?? Mwaah!.


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